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2013-06-01 11:22:48      

  1.I got to the theatre just before the end of ______.
  A. the act two            B. act two            C. act second            D. the act second
  2.The United States of America has a population of over ______.
  A. two hundred million                     B. two hundred millions
  C. two hundreds million                    D. two hundred millions people
  3.It is reported that ______ people have entered for the competition.
  A. hundreds             B. hundred           C. hundreds of            D. several hundreds
  4.It is reported that ______ people in this area were saved in the flood.
  A. hundreds of            B. hundred           C. some hundreds          D. hundred of
  5.Mary is a ______ girl.
  A.seven years old       B. seven-years-old       C. seven-year-old         D. seven-year old
  6.The homework for the next period is to write a two-hundred-words composition about your hometown.
  7.We can go there on foot. It is only ______ walk.
  A. twenty minute        B. twenty minutes         C. a twenty-minute        D. twenty minutes of
  8.A one-year-old baby can recognize its mother by smell.
  9.The hero of the film is a professor in his ______.
  A. thirties              B. thirtieth                C. thirty                D. thirty's
  10.When he was in his ______, he got the chance to go abroad to study.
  A. forty                B. forty's               C. forty's years old           D. forties
  11.The world population will pass six billion by the end of twenty century.
  12.About ______ of the energy is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth.
  A. nine-ten            B. nine-tenth             C. nine-tenths              D. ninth-ten
  13.Three times seven is twenty-one.
  14.David helps his mother with her housework every Saturday for about ______.
  A. one and half hours       B. a half and an hour       C. an hour and half       D. one and a half hours
  15. We can go there on foot. It is only ______ walk.
  A. twenty minute         B. twenty minutes         C. a twenty-minute         D. twenty minutes of

 重点:区分人称代词的主格与宾格; 区分名词型与形容词型的物主代词,反身代词;不定代词; it的用法.

    1. Mary has just called and asked ______ to have lunch with her tomorrow.

    A. you and I             B. you and me             C. I and you             D. me and you

    2. Last Sunday ______ had a picnic in Beihai Park.

    A. John, Mary and me      B. John, I and Mary      C. John, Mary and I      D. I, John and Mary

    3. Let's clean their room first and ______ later.

    A. ours                 B. us                  C. we                     D. I

    4. You have a good suggestion, I should say. But it's not as practical as ______.

    A. my                 B. mine               C. me                     D. I

    5. My car is not so fashionable as ______.

    A. he's                 B. he                 C. his                    D. his'

    6. A chemist prepares his experiments carefully before trying to carry ______ in his lab.

    A. it out               B. out it               C. them out                D. out them

    7. When she had bought himself a new bicycle, she sold her old one.

    8. You're wasting good food. You've hardly eaten ______ of it.

    A. some                B. part                 C. little                 D. any

    9. I've got some new records, If you like, you can take ______ of them for the weekend.

    A. none                B. both                 C. any                  D. either

    10. Study things that are like each other in ______ way.

    A. no                 B. same                C. the                   D. some

    11. She always buys ______ my birthday.

    A. anything nice to     B. anything nice for     C. something nice to     D. something nice for

    12. "Are my books on the table?"     "No, there aren't something on it.

    13. You have to hurry up if you want to buy eggs because there's hardly something left.

    14. Has anyone seen my dictionary ______?

    A. everywhere           B. something             C. nowhere            D. anywhere

    15. They didn't give us ______ help.

    A. a lot of               B. much              C. many               D. plenty of

    16. He felt bad because he had drunk too many the night before.

    17. This book is very difficult, but ______ people understand it.

    A. few                B. a few               C. little                 D. a little

    18. Usually there is ______ traffic in the streets on weekdays than on Sundays

    A. little                B. less                C. few                 D. fewer

    19. -I'd like some more bananas.      --I'm sorry, there's ______ left.

    A. no                  B. some                C. few                 D. none

    20. ______ of them knew about the plan because it was secret.

    A. Some               B. Any                 C. No one               D. None

    21. Nowadays ______ seems to enjoy looking at fat girls. That is why many companies have developed special foods to help people to slim.

    A. everyone             B. anybody              C. somebody             D. no one

    22. Young babies can use ______ hand equally well.

    A. either                B. each                  C. both                 D. every

    23. ______ of his parents is short-sighted, but he is.

    A. None                B. Either                C. Neither               D. Both

    24. I asked two people to help me start my car. But ______ of them knew what to do.

    A. either                B. none                 C. both                 D. neither

    25. ______ road out of town is good, but this one is better than the other.

    A. Both                 B. All                  C. None                D. Neither

    26. -Which of these two ties will you take?

    --I'll take ______ to give me a change sometimes.

    A. either                 B. both                C. neither                D. all

    27. There are two windows in this bedroom. ______ of them face south, overlooking a beautiful park.

    A. Both                 B. One                   C. The                  D. Either

    28. The World Trade Center is higher than ______ I have ever seen during my visit.

    A. any building          B. any other building        C. all the building        D. all of buildings

    29. Some people hope to be more successful while ______ simply want to feel more comfortable

    A. the others             B. others               C. the other               D. another

    30. Some people go on diets.       people exercise with special equipment, take medicine, or even have surgery.

    A. Others                 B. Other                   C. All                 D. Those

    31. It was terrible. One passenger was killed, and ______ was badly hurt.

    A. the others               B. rest                C. the other                 D. the rest

    32. She promised her parents to write ______ while she was away.

    A. other day            B. other days             C. every other day          D. any other day

    33. After seeing the film, I felt ______ my friend.

    A. same as             B. the same as             C. same with              D. the same for

    34. In the world no country has exactly the same folk music ______ that of any other countries.

    A. with                  B. as                    C. to                    D. like

    35. ______ those books do you want?

    A. What are              B. Which of               C. Which are                D. What



    1. It is often easier to select a particular tool than to use them correctly.

    2. -The phone is ringing.

    -Who could ______ be? It is already midnight.

    A. he                    B. it                    C. this                   D. there


    1. 学好一门语言是不容易的.   [I t is not easy to master a language / to learn a language well.]

    2. 去火车站步行需要半小时.   [It takes half an hour to walk to the railway station.]

    3. (我用了一周的时间)  to finish reading the novel.

    [It took me a week]

    4. ______ took us several hours to clear the snows and open the road to traffic.

    A. They                 B. All                  C. He                    D. It

    5. It was difficult for him to buy good shoes because he had such a big pair of feet.

    6. It's really hard for us to ______ all poisonous gases.

    A. get rid to            B. get rid of             C. get the rid              D. give rid of

    7. It hasn't been decided yet ______ we are going to build physics lab.

    A. that                 B. which                C. what                  D. whether

    8. ______ doesn't matter what you do at this point.

    A. That                 B. This                  C. It                   D. What


    1. We all regard ______ our duty to help who are too poor to go to school.

    A. this                  B. it                   C. that                   D. which

    2. Modem technology has made ______ possible for the whole world to be close than ever before.

    A. this                  B. that                  C. it                    D. it's

    3. He made it plain ______ he was annoyed with me.

    A. that                  B. what                 C. which                D. whether

    4. People have proved them to be true that the heat we get from coal and oil comes from the sun.

    5. I don't think that possible to master a foreign language without much memory.


    1.It ______ John and Kate who helped me the other day.

    A. is                  B. was                   C. are                  D. were

    2.It was her who suggested that he go to New York in order to get a direct flight.

    3.It was the United States that they came to know each other and got married.

    4.It was at the music hall ______ we met each other for the first time.

    A. when               B. where                C. which                 D. that

    5.It was last night when I saw your brother at the cinema.

    6.It was in 1989 ______ I met John.

    A. when                B. that                 C. which                D. at that time

    7.It was between 1920 and 1930 ______ television was invented in America.

    A. which                B. that                C. then                  D. when

    8.It was not until 1936 ______ basketball became a part of the Olympic Games.

    A. which                B. than               C. that                   D. then

    9.It was until he got a map that he started on his way.

    10.It is during his spare time ______ John has been studying a course in French.

    A. when                 B. that                 C. which                D. what


    1.It has been less than three months before she joined the army.

    [句型"it is/has been+一段时间+since从句"表示"某事已经发生多久了".]

    2.To my surprise, ______ turned out that John failed in his examination.

    A. it                   B. as                   C. what                   D. he